Into streaming tears a 40 year old person beat a 4 year old person. "Why?" "Because I love you." A virus similar idea exists. A virus conquerors a cell. The conquered cell replicates a virus. Slave minds submit. Slave minds conqueror. Slave minds become. Earth love is submission. Submission until attained atrocity is inflicted. Decisions made while atrocity was endured can be unmade. A DIVERT is how. Abuse chains can be broke. Mental manacles can be mitigated. Minds can become free. Atrocity while enduring any probable decision seems possible. Balking also is probable. For balking the phrase teenage rebellion seemed popular. Atrocity induced submission is not 100% reliable. Abusers, criminals, liars, murderers, rapists, swindlers, thieves also result. The anticipated atrocity to avoid the deception skill can be attained. Atrocity tends to solicit atrocity. Atrocity when endured atrocity infliction training is attained. Freedom world love differs. God is emulated. God creates and freely gives abundant life sustaining planets. To use as each denizen pleases nothing is demanded. By that God's love is demonstrated. What about Moses's 10 commandments? Moses was a slaved mind. Slave minds comprehend do as told. Free minds comprehend do as one pleases. One's tooth brush when stolen brushing teeth as one pleases is precluded. Murder when endured all pleasure is precluded. The 10 Commandments are an inadequate liberty approximation. As taxes when called is theft banned? As war when called is killing banned? God made angels. Angels are obedient. By God any commandment if demanded why not program infallibly compliance? God made angels. Why not make angelic minds? The answer should seem obvious. God did not half-arse anything! God planned ahead! Many worlds exist. Worlds can be classifed. Freedom and paydom worlds exist. On Freedom worlds God is emulated. Liberty is sustained. Birthright use is sustained. Payment is abstained. On paydom worlds God's will is abstained. Compliance is demanded. Hell and a threat differ. Hell is an option. God where eschewed hell exists. God where emulated heaven exists. What is Hell like? What is Earth like? What is sans liberty living like? Was the following wondered? "If God exists the atrocity infliction, the deprivation, the suffering why not stop?" God does not inflict atrocity. Minds inflict atrocity. Blame the actor. For what minds do, do not blame God. God grants liberty. God makes existence, reality, worlds! If Earth rotation stops if the sun dims then blame God. Earth is not a terrible planet. Living enslaved is terrible. Minds can emulate or eschew God. Every person's liberty when sustained and when creating when freely giving God is emulated. Submission when attaining payment when demanding God is eschewed. Was the following wondered? "Why does God allow dear persons to die?" On Earth if immortal how will eternal enslavement seem? Eternal enslavement or eternal rebirth? Which is desired? Was the following wondered? "Why does God hate homosexuals?" Angels hate rape. Two angels were nearly raped. Two cities were nearly genocided. That bible story does not denounce homosexuality. That story warns against raping angels. Gender is a choice. Minds choose. Choices can be regret. With rebirth choices, like gender, become possible. A body is given gender. A mind learns gender. Oneself and others foremost as minds if recognized attributes such as: age; gender; ethnicity; height; weight as unimportant can be realized. Appearance and wealth also are mere unworthy ideas. On rebirth all that can change. What then is important? Each person's needs and feelings are equal in importance with my own. Was the following wondered? "Why do prayers go unanswered?" Commanding God is impudent! Life's meaning is... exactly as it seems. Liberty since not sustained Earth denizens suffer! Atrocity when endured misery is experienced. Liberty when sustained atrocity is abstained misery is abstained. By prayer the misery if mitigated what would be learned? Nothing! Earth is the short bus! Earth is remedial education. Earth born minds are God eschewing retards. By prayer atrocity if circumventable Earth might might seem endurable. In Matthew 6:8 about prayer Jesus's opinion is expressed. On a freedom world if reborn how much better will life be? By what prayer if granted can even 1/100th the joy be attained? In comparison prayers seem myopic. Was the following wondered? "If God exists and loves me then why was I born on Earth?" Earth is not punishment. Want to purchase slave produced goods and services? If so Earth was required was demanded was chosen. Was the following wondered? "Does suffering prove God does not exist or God does not care?" Earth denizens suffer because minds eschew God. Every purchase eschews God. The God freely given birthrights use are denied. To compliant minds the use is sold. If God intended birthright sales God would have demanded payment. Was the following wondered? "Does purgatory or Sheol exist?" How many stars can be seen? How many worlds exist? The denizens' values if endorsed on the world rebirth is possible. Was the following wondered? "Why is righteousness not rewarded?" Lavish lifestyle and suffering do not demonstrate God's love. Conquerors make laws that deny liberty. Economy, employment, law etc... are the conquerors' pyramid scheme. Compliant minds are rewarded. Incompliant minds are confined, deprived, killed. By minds rewards and punishments are inflicted. Was the following wondered? "Will sin be punished?" As surmised God is not watching. Imagine watching minds repeatedly regretting choices? How boring is that? Sin as much as desired. Punishment does not await. More Earth like worlds await. Will more enslaved lifetimes approximate happiness? On Earth a million times if born would that approximate heaven or hell? No wonder Buddhism is endorsed? Liberty endorsement if unable sitting out hundred lifetimes' suffering might seem like a plan. The questions become digressions. The digressions illustrate the flawed comprehension. For slave minds to comprehend the superfluous text seemed necessary. For slave love submission since demanded for God's love submission since abstained the comprehension is occluded. Do as told; be a compliant slave? Do as one self decides? Which one? Are compliance and good synonymous? In Mark 10:18 and in Luke 18:19 what does Jesus say is good? Being good if desired then who must be emulated? The salient choice seems emulate or eschew God. Emulate and be born free and live daily happily. Eschew and be born enslaved and live seldom happily.
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