Liberty when sustained the freedom is attained.
Nice slogan, but by the words
the enormous effort and realization is belittled.
To ideas the importance when accorded
the proclivities follow.
Innumerable paydom proclivities exist.
Any if retained if demanded
for rebirth a paydom world is required is attained.
Rather than elaborate Buddhism why not study?
Some paydom traps can be learned.
Liberty is a slippery idea.
Liberty is a fractal.
No vision field is sufficiently obtuse.
Liberty can only be approximated.
The approximation when insufficient
liberty is not attained.
The liberty approximation and
the paydom proclivities
if not contrary
the liberty approximation
is not sufficient.
The paydom proclivities
since wanted since sustained
on a paydom world the rebirth
is demanded is attained.
As self pleases when done liberty becomes.
As self can afford when done payment becomes.
Payment and liberty are contrary.
For every person liberty if not sustained
then enslavement still exists.
Enslavement when sustained to control
the importance is accorded.
Control and liberty are contrary.
The point while simple if not realized follows.
The befuddlement the contradictions
are not easily realized.
Minds are a mess!
"A DIVERT" when wielded
that barn similar mind
can be properly mucked.
A mind while befuddled
liberty is pretty flower
that wilts, decays, falls.