As self pleases when done liberty becomes.
As self can afford when done payment becomes.
Liberty and payment differ.
For continued existence payment when demanded the paydom exists.
Liberty when sustained the freedom is attained.
The paydom and the freedom differ.
Eviction when inflicted
lethal deprivation is inflicted.
By disease, exposure, filth, malnutrition, suicide
a kill is inflicted.
A monthly food stipend when granted
all non food item purchases are excluded.
Sans floss, sans brush how are teeth sustained?
Sans malnutrition on a raw food diet
how many know how to live?
Life essential requirements
when deprived death results.
All kills are lethal deprivation.
By capital punishment by exposure
a corpse since intended was attained.
Imprisonment is an atrocity.
Homelessness is an atrocity.
As self pleases when done liberty becomes.
As ordered when done compliance becomes.
Compliance and liberty are contrary.
Control when intended liberty is deprived.
Atrocity when inflicted liberty is deprived.
Control to attain atrocity is inflicted.
Control to attain
fines, eviction, imprisonment are commonly inflicted.
The criminal justice system and
the home eviction system seem similar.
Upon non compliant persons atrocities are inflicted.
As animals in fields to live the prisoner persons while not forced
as animals from civilization the homeless persons are driven.
Does either seem humane?
The homeless with wage slavery
can not comply or will not comply.
A minimum wage if attained
a home can not be afforded.
Is homelessness a choice?
Eviction infliction is definitely a choice.
Enslavement to attain war is inflicted.
Enslavement to sustain law is inflicted.
By less than 0.1% 98% are controlled.
Since not tax compliant wage slaves
the gang persons and the homeless persons
are not controlled.
By 2.5% denizens any atrocity infliction
if not tolerated if adamantly vehemently opposed
the atrocity infliction ends!
Control to attain war must be inflicted.
Upon a million persons homelessness to inflict
upon 9 million persons armed conflict inflict?
The police state and federal military
when combined 8 million persons do not become.
Homelessness to end how many armed soldiers would fight?
Is civil war desirable?
War is not required.
By numbers the outcome can be decided.
2.5% denizens when non compliant
the control system breaks.
Not one bullet is required.
Non compliance suffices.
8 million persons if executed a civil war becomes.
8 million persons if evicted civil unrest becomes.
8 million persons can wreck a continent!
Homelessness when visible a threat is visible.
For wage slavery compliance is solicited.
Comply or be lethally deprived is threatened and inflicted!
Comply or die early is threatened and inflicted!
On tax allocated homelessness relief funding
the homeless helping non profit agencies
parasitically feed.
The homelessness when ended
the agencies funding ends.
The money tree why chop?
By no single person, but
by atrocity inflicting colluding bigoted minds' organization
considerable land as owned is deceitfully claimed.
Forests, islands, parks and more are deceitfully claimed.
From 1776 to present homelessness could be ended.
The homes to build the land and materials all exist.
Rather than to persons to compliance the importance was accorded.
To compliance importance since accorded
all atrocities that do not solicit armed revolt
can and are inflicted.
To non compliant native Americans
999 year lease reservations were accorded.
Control to attain everything while taken
existence to sustain
reservations were given.
From the land how to live
the native Americans knew.
The freedom if built
free transportation between if provided
to the homes the homeless would go.
To the freedom denizens directly
the relief as materials as food as goods as technology if provided
by corrupt non profit agencies
90% of the money would not be embezzled.
Homelessness when inflicted
theft is tacitly solicited.
Upon every person
taxation and theft are inflicted.
From taxes homelessness can be ended.
By theft a studio rental can not be afforded.
To fences at 10% value stolen goods are sold.
By fences at 70% value stolen goods are sold.
$1000 per month rental to afford
$10000 per month must be stolen.
$10000 per month if stolen
$120000 per year is stolen per homeless person.
1 million persons if homeless and stealing per year
120 billion is stolen.
The actual cost is greater.
Frauds and gangs also are stealing.
From 120 billion a million homes if constructed
the average per home cost $120k becomes.
Affordable? Absolutely.
By fences the homelessness is sustained.
By fences the thieves are required.
By homeless persons the fences are required.
The fences if gone the homeless persons riot.
The homelessness to prevent x cost if required.
The homelessness to inflict more than 10x cost is paid.
The homelessness infliction is not cost effective is not rational.
Eviction if endorsed theft is endorsed.
Eviction if just theft is just.
When homeless why not steal?
As a consolation prize
a prison cell is attained.
The paydom when departed
by freedom denizens
upon paydom denizens
theft is no longer inflicted.
By free homes or
by prison cells
this outcome is attained.
Prison cells cost!
Tax payers pay!
Per year 2.5 million persons to imprison
200 billion in taxes are paid.
About $80k per prisoner per year is required.
A $1000 per month studio apartment per year costs $12000.
$200 per month in food costs per year costs $2400.
For $20K per year a life can continue.
$80K to imprison or $20K to liberate which seems better?
Asking when sufficient payment is abstained.
Payment when abstained money is useless.
Money when abstained for stolen goods what boon is possible?
By asking all when attained
in the freedom theft never exists.
The payment when demanded
in the paydom theft always exists.
The freedom when made
the paydom does not end.
The paydom lifestyle when desired
the compliance when possible
in paydom minds reside.
For insurance for police for security
how much cost becomes?
Homelessness when inflicted
upon all persons
the theft is inflicted.
By insurance and security
the theft is not thwarted!
While homeless life essential requirements are deprived.
By 3 decades life expectancy is reduced.
Death often results.
Life essential supplies when denied a siege exists.
Eviction is siege.
The shelter, the electricity, the water is deprived.
In war an enemy to break siege is inflicted.
Homelessness is war!
The inflicted deprivation because lethal a war exists.
Death or surrender and compliance since intended
the deprived as soldiers should be regarded.
A theft or a kill when inflicted
if captured the Geneva Conventions should apply.
For non compliant minds
is death deserved
is liberty deserved?
An eviction when inflicted
a slow kill begins.
In the gutter lay down and die?
Or by violence the lethal attack resist?
Which choice is sane?
The unprofitable genocide sustain or
the freedom create?
The freedom is cheaper!
Nobody deserves a free ride?
How about nobody deserves enslavement?
How about nobody deserves a slow painful death?
By deprivation until murdered
the homeless persons steal.
In prisons confine?
Or homes give?
For a brother, daughter, father, mother, sister, son
is a homeless death desired?
Then a homeless death upon others why endorse why inflict?
Patrick Henry, "Give me liberty or give me death!"
Liberty while not yet granted, death daily is dealt.
Seriously, by anyone is liberty wanted? Anyone?
Is enslavement, murder and theft apex civilization?
Upon fellow persons lethal deprivation when inflicted
can the shame be denied?
A sans war life is possible!
On non compliant minds the war can be ended.
Homelessness until ended do not comply.
For all theft crimes prisoners until released do not comply.
The freedom until built do not comply.
All persons when giving
all persons are receiving.
The freedom when built
self sustaining will result.
Homeless persons in hotels when housed
a temporary solution only becomes.
The freedom is a permanent solution.
In the freedom liberty since sustained
to do what each person does best and enjoys best
the liberty is sustained.
A free person with a minimal wage slave when compared
from which is more productivity anticipated?