In the United States of Atrocity
a bicycle when purchased
where does the money go?
To the bicycle company
to taxes the money goes?
But what is tariff?
Bicycles when imported a tariff,
an undisclosed tax upon consumers, is levied.
On imports a tariff when levied
the price increases.
More expensive domestic products
at a similar price can compete.
Good idea?
99% or more bicycles are imported.
The domestic product in name only exists.
By the dominant criminal organization members
the tariff money is pocketed.
Who pays the tariff?
The consumers pay.
Tariffs are a hidden tax.
Income is taxed.
Sales is taxed.
Imports as tariff are taxed.
Sans knowledge from the denizens
at every exchange wealth is siphoned.
At home every electrical appliance,
every musical instrument,
clothes and shoes check.
In the last 2 decades if purchased
was any a domestic manufactured product?
The domestic product
when never made
when unavailable
the purchase when impossible
by tariff is domestic production encouraged or
by another hidden tax are denizens fleeced?