In high school Ty asked,
"Kyle, your skin never gets pimples. How can I make my acne go away?"
Reply, "Beats me? Just lucky?"
Every person is doing the same while thinking
in actuality different was being done.
Like industrial stacks Parents smoked.
At age 11 or 12 a point to make
the most addiction substance personally known was quit.
Coca cola was never drank again.
A half serving of daily corpse was half eaten or less.
Candy? What is Candy?
In the Netherlands at age 4 Dutch licorice aft eating
nothing called candy ever sufficed!
At Halloween, Christmas, and Easter
some candy while eaten
satisfaction and addiction never resulted.
Snacks? Cheese potatoes were eaten.
Yes cheese is bad, but filling.
Fruits also were eaten.
A double lunch aft eating and
double cardiovascular damage aft attaining
not much daily appetite remained.
Breakfast Cereal? Nope.
Sugar to be worth eating apple pie was required.
Desert? Not so often, but ice cream was common.
Doughnuts? About monthly.
Potato chips? Not daily.
Fitness? Bicycling, gymnastics, peg board climbing, swimming, volleyball and fast walking were commonly done.
Obviously the diet had flaws.
For good skin a perfect diet is not require.
Expensive soap also is not required.
With shampoo the face also can be cleaned.
A wash cloth is not required.
Then at age 18 chicken pox was attained.
The perfect complexion was lost.
On the face and
on the waist
the diet makes a difference.
Another note worth mistake became.
By Mother the son's wisdom teeth removal was demanded.
At age 17 with extreme pain
the wisdom teeth were plucked.
Adult teeth do not seem to grow.
The mouth apparently does.
Between teeth gaps become.
Food sticks and then cavities follow.
At age 25 the only cavity was attained.
A simple lesson was learned.
Flossing when possible is not optional.
Tooth paste? Why bother?
Sodium fluoride is a neurotoxin.
As a dentifrice baking soda suffices.
A half teaspoon into hand aft pouring
with the wet toothbrush dab up.
Baking soda should not be dry.
Do not inhale!
Baking soda PH is high.
Bacteria produced teeth destroying acid PH is low.
The acid when neutralized
the teeth do not rot.
For many persons face and waist could look better.
Mouths look like a precious metal mines.
3 to 6 nuggets each side is not uncommon.
A perfect diet and
a perfect dental hygiene
do not exist.
What is done is an approximation.
If sufficient the banes while abstained
the boons are attained.
By dentists by doctors by parents by TV commercials
the advice if followed
by the face by the teeth by the waist
the average appearance is attained.
Better to attain
better must be done.
Like an expensive cleanser
like an expensive diet
like an expensive dental procedure
just one thing if done
the banes are not eliminated
the boons are not attained.
The complexion the obesity the dental health
by diet by drug use by exercise by hygiene are effected.
The desired results to attain
a complete overhaul could be required.
An affordable fix when advertised a scam exists.
Everything desired to inexpensively quickly purchase
since desired each year billions are scammed.
For 5 years the gym membership when paid
fitness is not tacitly attained.
For 5 years gym exercise daily when done fitness becomes.
Adequate approximations for years when done
the boons are attained.
Sorry, Ty.
A single one word magic solution was not possible.
A pill, a lotion, a magic cloth were not used.
And that is the lesson.
For a quick fix do not search.
Plan ahead or the outcome dread.