By preachers opinions as facts are sold. Multi million dollar churches are bought. From the offering plate the payment is made. A tithe is an on parishioners imposed taxed. A church and a karaoke parlor in layout only differ.
The bible even when referenced by this blog rant mostly is provided. Earth is an awesome planet. But killing, pollution, slavery are destroying the planet. And the paydom lifestyle sucks! That is rant. Nothing was sold. An opinion is asserted.
Is preaching desired if wondering then no. The freedom worlds can not be bought and sold. Heaven can not be bought and sold.
Befuddled minds have already decided. A pew weekly when warmed the offering plate when filled Heaven as destination as certain is believed.
To paydom essential ideas the importance since accorded for rebirth a paydom world since desired since demanded is attained.
By freedom world minds to contrary ideas importance is accorded. Among freedom and paydom worlds the proclivities the norms the cultures differ. A paydom world mind on a freedom world when born a pariah becomes.
Preaching is not required. What the mind wants is attained.
The paydom worlds depravity until realized until ended ranting is solicited. Persons are sick, dying, organs rotting, circulatory systems clogged, cancer growing, homelessness is inflicted, imprisonment is inflicted, murder is inflicted. The food is polluted. The land is polluted. The air is polluted. The hygiene products are polluted. The minds with deception and threats are polluted. Why so toxic? To persons importance is not accorded. To control to profit importance is accorded.
Freedom worlds differ. To persons max importance since accorded not only is liberty sustained but health is sustained and pollution is abstained.
In church "Peace be with you," by parishioners when said Jesus as emulated is smugly thought. But what does Jesus say about that?
James 2:14-18 bible NIV translation quotation follows.
"What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, 'Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,' but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. But someone will say, 'You have faith; I have deeds.' Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds."
Jesus's message was "to the poor give and all persons forgive." By that liberty is approximated. Jesus's message when done homelessness and lethal deprivation ends. If done Jesus is emulated is followed and a similar destination is attained.
To the filthy rich church give; to the filthy rich televangelists give; to the filthy rich non profit organizations give by Jesus was not said was not advocated.
At church what is actually done? About 30 minutes karaoke and about 30 minutes napping is done.
A better experience if wanted in a world wide web search engine type where in the bible does Jesus say ... then pick something. Directly asking while best Jesus since departed by a search engine insightful results can be provided.
Who is talking in the books please comprehend. Romans for example is Saul/Paul's opinions. Paul's and Jesus's opinions differ. Saul-ianity if desired then Saul's advice follow. Christ-ianity if desired then Jesus the Christ's advice follow.
At church the bible in sections should be read and all divergent opinions shared. An example follows.
Mark 12:13-17 Matthew 22:15-22 Luke 20:20-26 please read and interpret.
An interpretation follows. All the denarius all the money should be collected and to Caesar given. All the God created birthrights such as food should be collected and to the persons given. By Jesus tax compliance is not endorsed.
Money when demanded for non compliance deprivation is inflicted. By Jesus deprivation infliction is unwanted. To the poor when giving deprivation is mitigated.
Other interpretations are possible. All sufficiently divergent opinions should be stated. Then by self the best reality approximations can be decided.
Church service is singing and lecture not discussion and realization. As the proper interpretation of God's will a single bigoted mind's opinion as an indisputable fact is asserted. A service is not approximated. A disservice is inflicted.
To church by going salvation since not attained church is an expensive entertainment proclivity. Ministers, pastors and priests are entertainers. Kyle Sallee is not an entertainer.
Liberty when sustained at a church by all persons preaching should be done. To all persons' opinions importance must be accorded. To the pastor's opinion only the importance if accorded then by authority liberty was replaced and Jesus's message was lost.
Among disciples with Jesus discussion became. Every conversation was not a lecture. Questions were asked. Opinions were stated.
Matthew 19:10 bible NIV quotation follows. "The disciples said to him, 'If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.'" The disciples and a silent entourage differ! The disciples also participate, inquire, and opinions assert.
The preacher as authority when posturing the opinions as truth when posturing an adequate reality approximation is abstained.
"The Lord's Prayer" by pastor when taught when recited but when not even deciphered the learning was abstained. "The Lord's Prayer" for God is not intended for minds is intended. When deciphered liberty is realized. If not realized was learning attained?
Matthew 6:7-8 bible NIV translation quotation follows. "And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."
"God, please." as a prayer suffices.
From prayer will the desired outcome be attained? Probably not. On paydom worlds with polluted bodies with polluted minds when living death can not be long be mitigated.
The Great Creator's plan is that bodies die. The minds in new bodies on self desired worlds are reborn. A different file explains why. More boons than banes become.
A person's life to continue if praying the mind's will and God's will are contrary. God is not any mind's slave. At God commands do not bark. By preachers insolent commands disguised as prayers are barked. Do not emulate. Such insolence is not rewarded.
Afore Jesus died a prayer was voiced. But even Jesus was murdered and died. Even by Jesus God was not commanded!
What is 20-30 minutes karaoke 10-20 minutes posturing 10-20 minutes ritual 05-10 minutes babbling? By church that is approximated.
By Jesus church service if attended what reaction is surmised? The supposition if impossible are Jesus's opinions known or is merely the name Jesus known?
By Jesus would church service be tolerated and regularly attended?
The Great Creator to know each week how could that hour be better spent?
"I love God," or "God is important," when asserted what does that mean?
From Matthew 7:21 simplified NIV translation follows
"Not every person who says, 'Lord, Lord,' enters Heaven. Those only who do God's will are in Heaven."
By The Great Creator the birthrights were created and sans payment demand to all persons freely given. Create and freely give and The Great Creator is emulated. The Great Creator when emulated God's will is done. To The Great Creator that created Earth and other worlds, stars and chemistry, flavor, music, and physics the admiration and importance if accorded emulation is solicited.
From the cloud ionization and discharge, geothermal, cloud precipitation, sun, tides, waterfalls, winds so much free energy is provided. The Great Creator's generosity is evident. The energy is given. By The Great Creator payment demand was abstained.
On Earth by minds arrogantly foolishly mini suns are created. The energy to receive payment is demanded. For the pollution and meltdowns mere excuses are asserted. Between The Great Creator and greedy wealth mongering minds the difference is evident.
Liberty when sustained freedom is attained. By that one sentence an approximation for The Great Creator's will is provided. Liberty to approximate by Jesus, "to the poor give and every person forgive," was asserted. What Jesus advised if done Heaven on Earth is not approximated. On freedom worlds money since not empowered wealth and poverty are not inflicted. Liberty is so much more than paydom minds comprehend. To liberty the importance accord and on a freedom world when reborn The Great Creator intended living experience is approximated and enjoyed.
Or to control to profit the importance accord and on paydom worlds like Earth be reborn be befuddled be enslaved be poisoned be murdered. The choice to each mind is granted.
1 life is an enormous sacrifice as compared to 10 or 100 or 1000 repeated lifetimes enslaved on paydom worlds, yes? Oh, wait, no. The paydom worlds to escape one lifetime if sacrificed is a total bargain.
To be rich on a paydom world or to be equal on a freedom world which seems desired? Both are not attained. As Jesus said in Mark 10:25
"Through a needle's eye a camel can more easily pass than for a rich person to enter Heaven." Yes, a sowing needle was intended.