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Showing posts from April, 2021


Sister, "People are homeless by choice." Sister, "I become vegan to cut my risk of cancer." Sister, "Jesus was sacrificed to atone for all sin." Comprehension seems difficult. Veganism for decades when sustained reduced cancer attainment becomes. 3 week boons and 3 decade boons are not similar. The enslavement system compliance when unable chronic homelessness results. A no strings attached home since not provided can not be declined. By persons when homeless a lethal deprivation system is not created is not inflicted. In a war against non compliant minds the homeless are victims. Homelessness is like a pathogen. By the atrocious bigoted enslavement demanding minds upon the non compliant minds the homelessness is vectored. By similar atrocity inflicting bigoted minds COVID-19 and homelessness are inflicted. For enslavement compliance the health when insufficient COVID-19 kills. Upon the elderly, upon the poor, upon the non c...


Anarchy is commonly misunderstood. All control when abstained anarchy results. Law is control. Law when not inflicted by atrocious bigoted colluding minds control if inflicted anarchy does not exist. Law when abstained anarchy is not tacitly attained. Anarchy to attain all control must be abstained. Father, "What you believe in is communism." Son, "Wrong! Anarchy!" Father, "Anarchy has been tried and failed." Son, "To each persons' liberty paramount importance was not accorded!" Father, "If freedom means living in caves and tents then count me out." Son, "On freedom worlds to every person a home is given. On paydom worlds only control to attain lethal deprivation is inflicted. Control to attain by the Catholic church for centuries technology development as heretical was classified was deprived. Heretics were killed. At the same time as Earth if started any freedom world would be several mill...

Olfactory Fatigue

Liberty when sustained the freedom is attained. Nice slogan, but by the words the enormous effort and realization is belittled. To ideas the importance when accorded the proclivities follow. Innumerable paydom proclivities exist. Any if retained if demanded for rebirth a paydom world is required is attained. Rather than elaborate Buddhism why not study? Some paydom traps can be learned. Liberty is a slippery idea. Liberty is a fractal. No vision field is sufficiently obtuse. Liberty can only be approximated. The approximation when insufficient liberty is not attained. The liberty approximation and the paydom proclivities if not contrary the liberty approximation is not sufficient. The paydom proclivities since wanted since sustained on a paydom world the rebirth is demanded is attained. As self pleases when done liberty becomes. As self can afford when done payment becomes. Payment and liberty are contrary. For every person liberty if not sustained ...

The Outsider

The Noble Eightfold Path when done a Buddhist becomes. By Buddhists for suffering the end is desired. Life as suffering when assumed rebirth as suffering is assumed. Thus the rebirth cycle end could be desired. Buddhism, while admirable, to liberty the importance since not accorded for rebirth a freedom world is not attained. By any mind nirvana if attained rebirth is abstained. From Nirvana since not returning a conundrum is surmised. By any mind is Nirvana attained and sustained? At first Buddhism might seem simple but unlike Jesus's message in a single sentence can not be summarized. Jesus message was "to the poor give and every person forgive." The author is not a Buddhism expert. But the goals are not entirely dissimilar. The suffering end is desired. By Jesus also the suffering end the deprivation infliction end were desired. Liberty when sustained suffering is minimized. Anything needed by merely asking is attained. On freedom worlds s...

Tariff the Undisclosed Tax

In the United States of Atrocity a bicycle when purchased where does the money go? To the bicycle company to taxes the money goes? But what is tariff? Bicycles when imported a tariff, an undisclosed tax upon consumers, is levied. On imports a tariff when levied the price increases. More expensive domestic products at a similar price can compete. Good idea? 99% or more bicycles are imported. The domestic product in name only exists. By the dominant criminal organization members the tariff money is pocketed. Who pays the tariff? The consumers pay. Tariffs are a hidden tax. Income is taxed. Sales is taxed. Imports as tariff are taxed. Sans knowledge from the denizens at every exchange wealth is siphoned. At home every electrical appliance, every musical instrument, clothes and shoes check. In the last 2 decades if purchased was any a domestic manufactured product? The domestic product when never made when unavailable the purchase when impossible b...


Around age 35 a 4 hour a day gym habit while sustained 3 hours aft cycling complete exhaustion became. At nearly age 50 from 5 hours cycling exhaustion did not follow. Glycogen storage capacity is not constant. Like muscles when used growth is attained. For lethargy for low blood sugar by caffeine, drugs, energy drinks, sugar a permanent solution does not become. Cardiovascular fitness when attained breathing is easier energy is abundant. To attain a stationary bicycle suffices. Does 30 minutes daily cardiovascular exercise suffice? The effort, duration and boons are commensurate. 4 or 5 hours sustained cycling when possible that much more cardiovascular fitness, energy, and effortless breathing becomes. Infinite exercise technique when wielded the limits since pushed the gains are attained.

Purgatory and Paydom

Purgatory is not a place. Purgatory is a reality approximation. For rebirth heaven when not attained some place else is attained. Such worlds collectively as purgatory why not call? Sin atonement as required if thought the reality approximation does not suffice. The Great Creator is not atrocious. By The Great Creator grudges are not created. By The Great Creator punishment and retribution are not inflicted. To liberty importance when truly accorded a freedom world rebirth since desired is attained. By atrocious minds for rebirth paydom worlds are demanded are selected. Atrocious minds when aggregated the atrocity infliction is plentiful. By minds atrocity, punishment, retribution when already being inflicted The Great Creator's involvement is not required. By Catholicism by Protestantism the reincarnation idea is endorsed. Persons die. Rebirth is attained. Heaven, hell, and purgatory if world classifications by Earth which is approximated? Jes...

The Question that Deserved a Better Answer

In high school Ty asked, "Kyle, your skin never gets pimples. How can I make my acne go away?" Reply, "Beats me? Just lucky?" Every person is doing the same while thinking in actuality different was being done. Like industrial stacks Parents smoked. At age 11 or 12 a point to make the most addiction substance personally known was quit. Coca cola was never drank again. A half serving of daily corpse was half eaten or less. Candy? What is Candy? In the Netherlands at age 4 Dutch licorice aft eating nothing called candy ever sufficed! At Halloween, Christmas, and Easter some candy while eaten satisfaction and addiction never resulted. Snacks? Cheese potatoes were eaten. Yes cheese is bad, but filling. Fruits also were eaten. A double lunch aft eating and double cardiovascular damage aft attaining not much daily appetite remained. Breakfast Cereal? Nope. Sugar to be worth eating apple pie was required. Desert? Not so often, but ice...

Life Purpose

In the book "The Great Creator Emulators" for life the reason is revealed. To do as self pleases if surmised that approximation suffices. Life and humans why create? Companions are desired. On Earth many minds exist, but where is The Great Creator? Atrocious bigoted minds since unpalatable why stay? By departing to all Earth denizens liberty was granted. The Great Creator is not a back seat driver. Heaven to approximate hell to approximate by each mind the life style is shaped. On freedom worlds for all persons liberty is sustained. Creating, giving, and liberty when done The Great Creator's footprints are followed. The Great Creator to find the freedom worlds must first be found. Atrocity and enslavement when desired when done away from The Great Creator the minds travel. On worlds like Earth atrocious minds aggregate the paydom becomes all minds are enslaved and 1% become rich. Is that apex living? On a freedom world 99.9% or more ...

Infinte Exercise

08 rep sets; 16 rep sets; and stripping were tried. The mass curled or pressed and the rep amount are often inversely proportional. Lactic acid builds. The muscles burn. The current available strength diminishes. For a century similar body building methods were endorsed. Better methods are possible! Infinite exercise is simple. On a chair sit or on the bench lay. An entertaining video watch. And begin. For arms no more than 4 curls or 4 presses per set do. A light weight should be selected. The effort exert. The lactic acid production abstain. Between sets a minute or more delay. Properly when done the arm strength does not diminish. An hour elapses. 4 * 60 curls became. 240 curls became. As 16 reps per set if counted 15 sets were accomplished. 25 pounds * 4 reps * 60 sets = 6000 pounds curled. Impressive? With 25 pounds do not begin. To start 5 pounds suffices. The lactic acid build up notice and feel. That lactic acid avoidance is desired...

5 Years to Vegan

Veganism as meat deprivation since assayed as meal enjoyment deprivation might be surmised. By Mother, a non vegan, when cooking the common spice ginger was never used. Was flavor deprivation not approximated? By most vegans oil, salt, spices are used. To meal enjoyment no less importance is accorded. To feeling well importance is accorded. By each person a personal vegan adventure is attained. Sister said, "I will eat a no salt no oil vegan diet to fight cancer." We shall see. A year fasting seems easier. Fasting while sustained salt, vitamins, water are ingested. Two words: lethal hyponatremia. A 0 salt diet if successful farewell. When deprived nutrient craving results. If ignored health diminishes. From an inadequate vegan diet rather than dying quitting seems probable. The quitting when desired an impossible diet is selected then quitting is easily justified. When quitting veganism as unsustainable the idea is empowe...

Law and Rules do not Exist

By minds only opinions are thought. To the opinion importance can be accorded. By bigoted minds only as law as rule an opinion is asserted. By bigoted minds upon non compliant minds atrocities are inflicted. The atrocity infliction to justify a law or rule is cited. Righteousness while pretended control to attain atrocity is inflicted. A rule does not exist. A law does not exist. Atrocity inflicting bigoted minds exist. From Earth all bigoted minds if removed could any law or rule remain? A rule to enforce an atrocity inflicting bigoted mind is required. James 2:13 please consider. "Because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment." The above idea by Jesus was conveyed. Rather than the word mercy the idea forgiveness please subsitute and consider. Luke 18:22 "When Jesus heard this, he said to him, 'You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor,...

Ancient Software

Every now and then software from the 2010s or 2000s or 1990s is requested. The original hosts for the software project departed. The repositories disappeared. The tarballs were misplaced. Excuses excuses. It can not all be found. Sorry. But recently some ISO9660s for Sorcerer and a previously unpublished POSIX were found. Whether the Sorcerer ISO9660 images were the last rolled or sometime near is uncertain. The unpublished Pellucid POSIX can be test deployed, but the tools and software catalog were not included. And that ascript version no longer exists. All ascript versions earlier than 202001 were deprecated and discarded. The grammar is not compatible. Had illness not struck. Had more persons helped and less persons hampered. Then Pellucid POSIX would have been developed and on current ascript available and deployed. Too ill to do everything Sorcerer slipped away. Pekka Panula's hosting which lasted longer than than, savannah,, ...

The Early Bird

Short stories authorship while not a honed skill rather than from rants from stories some can learn. Upon a freedom world recollected experiences with ample embellishment for missing parts the following short story is based. For story simplification many persons were omitted. Rather than as a solo adventure with cohorts the described activities often would become. But on freedom worlds solo behavior also is possible is allowed. Parents, school, schedules, teachers are not inflicted. When wanted what is wanted is learned is done. The Early Bird During second year independent living was attained. Near limitless outdoor adventures followed. Many fun skills were mastered. Vehicle piloting also was mastered. During third year in water consideration duration elapsed. Diving, sailing, swimming were mastered. But even more is still desired. From the warm spring sun and cool air a relaxing contrast becomes. Up while gazing high above birds and bird persons seemed floating? Is that p...

Until Dead Deceived

In 1937 a person was born. Any attained food was eaten. About wealth ideas became. Clothes with extra cloth on sleeves on collars as wealth were decided. Animal ingestion at every meal as wealth was decided. To the next generation such pointless values were passed. 85 years elapse. Cancer was attained and by surgical oncologists removed. Hypertension was attained. Doctors said, "Take these drugs, eat no salt." Obesity and cardiovascular disease were attained. Doctors said, "Eat a low fat diet." Chronic kidney disease was attained. Doctors said, "Nutritious foods avoid eating, salt intake reduce." Even delicious tomatoes are abstained. Peripheral artery disease was attained. A surgeon snaked out the leg. Salt and oil because ingestion because reduced because craved animal ingestion because the primary source the intake from twice RDI to four times RDI increases. Cheese and potato chip consumption also increase. Health declines. Diseases prog...

Paydom Genocide

As self pleases when done liberty becomes. As self can afford when done payment becomes. Liberty and payment differ. For continued existence payment when demanded the paydom exists. Liberty when sustained the freedom is attained. The paydom and the freedom differ. Eviction when inflicted lethal deprivation is inflicted. By disease, exposure, filth, malnutrition, suicide a kill is inflicted. A monthly food stipend when granted all non food item purchases are excluded. Sans floss, sans brush how are teeth sustained? Sans malnutrition on a raw food diet how many know how to live? Life essential requirements when deprived death results. All kills are lethal deprivation. By capital punishment by exposure a corpse since intended was attained. Imprisonment is an atrocity. Homelessness is an atrocity. As self pleases when done liberty becomes. As ordered when done compliance becomes. Compliance and liberty are contrary. Control when intended libert...

Death Eater

A 0 cholesterol vegan diet while possible. good health is not guaranteed. Diet, fitness and carcinogen avoidance are required. For non organic crops in the soil known or expected carcinogenic pesticides are mixed. A healthy diet if attained is the food already tainted? According to the NIH by a pack sized daily animal ingestion and by a pack per day cigarette smoking a similar cancer risk is approximated. Translation follows. The daily recommended intake, a playing cards sized deck 3 ounces or 85 grams, in meat when eaten a significant cancer risk becomes. With cardiovascular disease and diet the obvious link can not be disputed. For a life time the damage accumulates. The four food groups are a marketing ploy. The consumerism to promote was intended. Want to know the truth? The truth is that the unknowable reality can only be approximated! Often deceit is intentionally inflicted. From TV, in magazines, in schools almost anything about...